The Apiary Inclusion Survey


The Apiary is a national collective brought together by the Front Project to build leadership, innovation capability and advocacy in early learning, so that all children have the opportunity to thrive from the start. You can learn more about the Apiary here.

As part of achieving this vision, the Apiary is conducting a survey on inclusion in the early learning sector.  As someone that works in the sector, your opinion and experiences are vitally important. This survey will ask:

  • what inclusion looks like in your centre;

  • the challenges that you and the families you support face;

  • where you would like to see improvement, and;

  • any stories you would like to share where inclusion support was either implemented well or poorly; and what were the factors that contributed to the result.

The Apiary will use your responses to inform the development of recommendations for government that relate to inclusion in early learning. If you work in the early learning sector, we encourage you to complete the survey before 5 October 2024.








Your privacy is important to us. The survey is anonymous, most questions are optional, and data or reports will never be published with identifiable information. We work according to the National Privacy Principles and the Front Project’s ethical research commitment. The final results of this survey will be published on our website.

Read the survey Participant Information Statement.