This roadmap by the Front Project and the Educational Gains in Early Childhood (EDGE) study presents a national vision and roadmap for three-year-old preschool.
It outlines the necessary conditions that support two years of universal preschool, key areas of capacity and capability required, and the mechanisms government should employ to manage the flow, pace, and pressure of resources aimed at achieving reform outcomes.
The jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction map outlines,
- Each state and territory's overarching approach to early learning.,
- Specific offerings for three-year-olds.
- An analysis of progress towards the core conditions outlined in our vision of quality preschool.
Following these maps, a series of guiding questions for policymakers are provided to help them consider their approach to the conditions for quality and the enabling control mechanisms to support large-scale kindergarten reforms. While there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to large-scale policy reform, the insights gained from this work can inform and support planning and planning efforts.