The Front Project and Deloitte Access Economics’ policy explainer “The NQF Works! Implications of AERO's study linking quality and child development” explores key findings and implications from AERO’s recent research on the National Quality Framework and child outcomes.

AERO’s research reveals a clear link between services that Exceed or Meet the National Quality Standard (NQS) and improved developmental outcomes for children, further stressing the value of investing in quality across the ECEC sector.

From the report, AERO’s research found that some quality areas had more impact than others:
Quality area 1 – Educational Program and Practice
Quality area 3 - Physical Environment
Quality Area 5 - Relationships with children
These three quality areas were strongly and consistently associated with reduced developmental vulnerability.
“The NQF Works!” exposes disparities in access to high-quality ECEC services, with children in disadvantaged areas less likely to attend services rated as Exceeding or Meeting national standards.
This calls for targeted action and a renewed commitment to quality across the ECEC sector.
Read the full policy explainer to understand the key takeaways and policy implications.