
Register Your Interest: Transforming Early Learning Summit

Register Your Interest: Transforming Early Learning Summit

The Front Project, with The Apiary Fellowship, are bringing the voices of children and families to the centre of conversations about the future of early learning. From October for several months, we will be facilitating a series of conversations with children, families and communities across Australia to enable their contribution to dialogue on transformative visions for children’s early years futures.

September 14, 2022
Webinar - The Future Is Bright: Leaders Collaborating To Transform Early Learning

Webinar - The Future Is Bright: Leaders Collaborating To Transform Early Learning

Our recent webinar 'The Future Is Bright: Leaders Collaborating To Transform Early Learning' saw our CEO Jane Hunt, Kerry Graham of Collaboration for Impact, Associate Professor Cathrine Neilsen-Hewett of UOW Early Start, and Dr Fiona McKenzie of Orange Compass engage in a discussion on how a systems based approach and innovative thinking can enhance the experiences of children, families and teachers and educators, particularly in the pandemic.

August 27, 2020