The inaugural 'Transforming Early Learning Visioning Summit' was held in Canberra in October 2022. At this event, diverse actors from across the early childhood system came together to hold a national conversation about the future of early learning in Australia. This proved to be an invaluable opportunity to hear the lived experiences of children and families and helped to centre their voices to create a shared vision. This shared vision for the future was imagined as one which will enable all children across Australia to access their full potential and receive quality care and education for themselves and for generations to come. For more information about the Summit and the insights generated, please click here.
Unfortunately, several parties were unable to attend the Transforming Early Learning Summit and subsequently their voices and insights were not heard. However, these workshops are our chance to change that.
The Front Project and The Apiary Fellowship (supported by Orange Compass) are hosting three workshops in June in four different states and territories (WA, SA, and TAS) to capture the valuable insights and contributions of those involved in the early learning space (broadly defined) across Australia.
To get involved, please register below.
We can't wait to see you there!
Register now -
- Perth, WA - Thursday, 15 June, 9 am to 12 noon. Venue - Cliftons, Parmelia House, 191 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA, 6000
Online (Zoom)
- Tasmania - Tuesday 13 June, 9 am to 11:30 am
- South Australia - Monday 19 June, 9 am to 11:30 am
Workshop Registration - Future Visioning - Transformative Scenarios