The Front Project’s Pre Budget Submission states our views and recommendations around early childhood education and care (ECEC) for Government to prioritise in the 2022–23 Federal Budget.
In the Submission, we make seven recommendations:
Recommendation 1:
Conduct a thorough review of the Inclusion Support Program and the Community Child Care Fund to ensure it adequately supports services operating in areas of disadvantage, especially in regional, rural and remote areas
Recommendation 2:
Expand the Additional Child Care Subsidy and work with communities to encourage more families to access the help they need to access ECEC.
Recommendation 3:
Revise the activities test to make sure no child misses out on ECEC, regardless of their parents’ working circumstances.
Recommendation 4:
Expand Commonwealth Paid Parental Leave (PPL) for all parents to 26 weeks, with a ‘use it or lose it’ component.
Recommendation 5:
Commission the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to investigate ECEC pricing and the market, to make recommendations for developing robust price control measures to ensure ECEC remains affordable for Australian families.
Recommendation 6:
Adopt a system stewardship framework of leadership to ensure the sustainability and longevity of the ECEC sector.