Expression of interest

Expressions of Interest are now closed  

The Apiary and TFP Stacked


The Apiary fellowship is an initiative that supports its participants to build a holistic view of the early learning system and bring about positive change for children.

What to expect

Fellows participate in an intensive and transformative development program providing the skills and tools to improve long term outcomes for children and families. With a minimum 12-month commitment, fellows forge long-lasting connections with leaders from across the sector as they work and journey together.


This program is made possible through the generosity of the Paul Ramsay Foundation and part contribution of $2500 payable by each Fellow. Scholarships are available. Fellows are also responsible for covering their travel and accommodation to convenings (up to 4 events across the year in different locations).

Download our information pack to assist you with discussing this opportunity with an employer or other sponsor.

Places are limited, applicants will be contacted to arrange interviews.


Customised scholarships are available for:

- people living with a disability
- people who are culturally and linguistically diverse
- people who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
- applicants whose personal or work efforts are focus on supporting individuals and communities experiencing disadvantage
- low-income employers and self-sponsoring applicants
-people who are living in rural or remote Australia

Places are limited, applicants will be contacted to arrange interviews. Applications close soon. 

We encourage you to read 'Water of Systems Change' and/or the 'Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) Implementation Framework' explanation of systems thinking to inform answers to the questions below. 

Apply to Join the Apiary Fellowship 2025

Please be informed that the application form is now officially closed. We are no longer accepting new applications at this time.

We appreciate your interest and encourage you to stay connected for future opportunities.

The Apiary Team